
THC vs. CBD: The Differences

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) is the most prominent compounds in the cannabis plant. These two compounds are nearly identical twins which can be differentiated by the arrangement of a single atom. How these compounds affect the body? A Cannabinoid is a compound that interacts with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) directly. In this system, two receptors were found as CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in brain region and are responsible for memory, emotion, high cognition, and motor coordination. While CB2 receptors are found in Central Nervous and Immune systems. THC and CBD have different molecular structures so that they interact with CB1 and CB2 receptor in a different manner. This causes these two compounds to act in a different way. THC can directly bind to the CB1 receptor and creates a signal that has been sent to the brain, which gives you a high effect. While CBD cannot bind to CB1 receptor directly and it can also affect THC bond to the CB1 rece...

Is CBD Addictive?

CBD is the short form of Cannabidiol, which is derived from cannabinoids . These cannabinoids comes from the plant cannabis. CBD is often used in therapeutic and medical areas. It is unlike any addictive substance. How do CBD works? CBD won’t release excessive dopamine, so you can’t get high with it. It won’t give the intense relaxation which nicotine causes and also the euphoria associated with opioids. CBD helps to balance the level of neurotransmitters in your brain. If the neurotransmitter level is too much in your brain, it helps to reduce it. If the neurotransmitter level is not enough, it helps to maintain it healthier. Scientists often say that CBD cannot cause an addictive effect and it is a safe drug. If a person is stops using CBD, there will be no withdrawal limits. Is CBD marijuana? People often think that CBD resembles marijuana , but it is not. Indeed, hemp (contains more CBD) and marijuana (more THC) comes from the same plant, but they are neither the same...

Addiction on Women’s Health

Substance use was reflected as basically a male issue, and numerous substance misuse studies are led with a prevalence of male members . Evidence shows that there are huge sex differences in the study of disease transmission of substance use disorders , social components and attributes, natural responses, health consequences, co-occurring mental ailments, and factors related to treatment admittance, maintenance, and completion. The epidemiology of women’s medication use presents challenges separate from those raised by men’s drug use. Progression, or Formative stages, of drug inclusion is not indistinguishable for people. A convergence of proof advises that women with substance utilize disorders are more probable than men to face different barriers influencing access and entry to substance abuse treatment . Gender-specific medical issues because of the transaction of gender-specific drug use patterns and sex-related hazard practices make an environment in which women are more def...